Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Stop the baby mama drama!!

I would like to apologize in advance, this is more of a rant than funny/educational lol

It’s not about you anymore. This is what happens when you become a parent. You have to think about what is best for the children. Even when you and dad no longer work out, no matter what the circumstances are, you do what is in the best interest of the kids. 

I have been seeing so many moms lately where they feel the dad needs to earn rights to their children. That fathers who remarry are put through a shit show just to see their kids. Who died and made you a bad mom. You all know me, I support moms. From all walks of earth, I support you. So if I use the term “bad mom” that is exactly what you are. If you are making a relationship between your child and their father difficult or non existent because of a quarrel you have with them, then you are not thinking about what is in the best interest of your kids. 

A lot of you might not know this about me, I have 3 children. My husband is only the father of Tava. Ashton and Logan also have different fathers from each other. So if you are smart you can realize that I have 3 baby daddies! YUP! I’m a hoe! I own my hoe-ness. If I wasn’t a hoe I wouldn’t have the amazing children I have so don’t you dare judge my hoe-ness because I am truthful about it. Own your hoe-ness. Whether you are still a hoe or an expired hoe like myself.

With this family dynamic means I have not one but TWO ex’s I have to work with to make sure my children are well taken care of. We get along pretty well. It wasn’t always like that though. 

Now this is a story…I was going to use the lyrics from Fresh Prince of Bell Air but then thought nah in a slim chance they see this little blog I don’t want to get sued….

Of all the mess people go through with ex’s I went through a mess of one with Logans' dad. To make an extremely long story short here it is. My best friend introduced us, had a hand in why we split (lets be honest if it was meant to be then nothing anyone does can ruin it), married him, then had a child with him. WHAT??? Can you say drama? It was definitely that. Granted we are all past it and now know Logan is in the best situation in life to succeed and be loved. We are one big dysfunctional happy blended family.  Even though I was hurt in the past, I did not use that against Logans' dad.

So if you got baby daddy drama, make sure your kid knows none of it, and they have the opportunity to have an amazing relationship with BOTH of their parents! 

End Rant.

Why Am I Sticky