Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Bows and Tutus and Fun....OH MY!

       Like most little girls Tava LOVES dress up! She is beyond girly and LOOOOOVES to look like a princess!

Here is some proof!

Tava has been playing in this since she received them! She is as in love as I am!

We worked with the amazing company called The Local HummingBird. They are based out of Flagstaff, Arizona. Well I should say SHE is based there. This amazing mother Nicole makes all tutus and bows! The Local HummingBird was started in April of 2015 and already has over 500 followers!

What I love about this company is the founder wanted to start this company to show her three girls they can do anything if they set their mind to it! Not gonna lie, bitch makes me jealous that she can make such awesome things and I fuck up every Pinterest idea I come across. I am far from the "crafty mom". With having The Local HummingBird I do not feel guilty about it! Well...I digress.

The products are amazing quality and HAND MADE! There are millions of styles to choose from! Ok maybe not MILLIONS but there are TONS!

WhyAmISticky and The Local HummingBird have decided to partner together to bring you guys some awesome stuff!

Do you like what you see above? Do you or someone you know have a little girl that would rock the shit outta these amazing outfits? Would you love to win one? FOR FREE!!! I just caught all moms eyes with that one! If you are wanting to enter to win one for FREE just follow the steps below!

Follow below to enter to win!
1) Like WhyAmISticky's fb page --->
2) Like The Local HummingBirds page --->
3) Share BOTH...I repeat BOTH pages
4) Then message WhyAmISticky's Facebook page stating you have done both

Drawing will be March 1st! So do not wait!! Get to it!

Once all of this is done, we will give you a number. We will use to pick the number. If your number was chosen, we will have The Local HummingBird contact you asking for colors and sizes you would like. You will receive a Tutu AND a Hair Band OR Bow of your choosing.

No number will be submitted until we have seen all requirements made! I am looking forward to seeing all these amazing littles having a blast in their OWN Local HummingBird gear! We both love seeing how happy our business and hobbies make people!


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Mother of the year award goes to.....

Want to know what is to great about being me? I have some pretty awesome friends who have some pretty hilarious shit that happen to them. My friend Tammi shared this story with me and asked to share it with all of you! I know in the moment she was hating herself. Once the horror of the moment is gone, we have to laugh at ourselves! It is the only way we will keep our sanity. Ok, the sanity we have left before having kids. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I did!
I was in the kitchen, toddler at foot, attempting to get dinner – Tommy Bahama Shrimp Tacos – on the table. This is not the scene I imagined back when I was pregnant. I’m not June Clever in a perfectly pressed apron, I’m a mess, fearfully chopping pineapple as my 16 month old princess screams at my feet. Up, up, UUUPPPPPP!!! “No up” I tell her, which only escalates the situation. Sigh. Next step, shrimp. I peel away the butcher paper, only to discover that the butcher has packaged up SHELLED shrimp, not peeled and deveined. FUCK. FUUUUUCKKK. I’m fairly certain he was a bit too focused on my milk jugs to hear my order properly. I probably should have known when the shrimp rang up at $5.49/lb. Of course they’re on sale, because no one, and I mean no one, orders shelled shrimp. Ok, maybe the childless, or Julia Child, but NOT moms. Ok, NOT me. I stand there, contemplating my options. I could toss the offenders, load up the baby, haul her into the store, and stand in line to pay $19.99/lb for peeled and deveined, or I could tackle these bad boys myself. Option #2 won. As I’m elbows-deep in shrimp poo and salmonella, my toddler who has wondered into the living room, is pushing the button on her toy phone over, and over, and over, and over, and over again, so I feel pretty OK with her being out of my line of vision. Until it wasn’t OK. Until my mom-dar set it. Every cell in her body was made from my body, so when she’s in danger I feel it in my bones. Oh shit. My shrimp-poop-hands and I run, towards the stairs, dripping all the way. My teenage daughter (yes, we have a toddler AND a teenager, two teenagers actually – kill me, right? I mean, “We are so blessed”.), my teenager has left the baby gate open. She’d gone up to clean her room, which is teen-talk for take a nap. The baby is halfway up the stairs, mouth full of…something. Something BIG. In our house, it could be anything from socks to cat poop to batteries, or all three. Shit. Shit. Shit. I have to do it. I shove my shrimpy hands into her mouth and fish out what appears to be an obnoxiously large dried mango. Interesting. We haven’t had dried mango in our home for a very long time. Immediately, she demonstrates that she is displeased with the taste of shrimp poop. In the past, we’ve landed ourselves in the hospital over an egg allergy, and have recently discovered that her body also rejects tofu. I’m not taking any chances with raw shellfish. We run back to the kitchen, I soak a towel with water, but she clamps her jaws shut. The only thing I can think to do is run her mouth under the sink. She squirms violently and I’m basically water-logging her. Then it hits me – BREASTMILK – of course, its magic right? It fixes everything, right? I have her gulp down a few ounces of the magic juice before I realize I’m basically forcing her to swallow whatever bits and pieces are in her mouth. Awesome. Just then, the teenager runs down and asks me, “What are you doing to her?” My reply? “CLOSE THE GODDAMN GATE!” Damnit. Mom of the year, right here. At the end of the day, after all has settled, after a call to poison control – yeah, I went there – I realized something. Something very important that will change the course of my motherhood forever. I realized, I’m not in my 20’s and childless anymore, so why the FUCK am I making shrimp for dinner?
Why Am I Sticky

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

It's my child, it's MY choice....oh stop it!

I have talked about my children. I have told you some funny stories to ease your days. I may have made you giggle, I may have made you laugh really hard (this is my goal!). I want to dive into something I might not have shared with you.

This is Logan (9 years old) and Ashton (11 years old). Aren't they handsome? They are! Don't they look healthy? They AREN'T! These two amazing and smart children have a condition called "Hypoimmunoglobenemia". Basically in layman's terms, they have no immune system. They can't fight off a major sickness, let alone a cold, by themselves. Every three weeks they get a treatment called IVIG. It gives them a TEMPORARY immune system just until its time for their next treatment. The pictures below just give you a small glimpse into what we have faced so far on this journey.

I almost lost Ashton when he was 18 months old. He spent two weeks in the Pediatric ICU (PICU) at Phoenix Children's Hospital in Phoenix, AZ. Doctors told me I was lucky. He had H-Fluenza fluid fill up his entire left lung and heart sack. He had a Periacardiocentesis and a Thoracentesis, meaning they placed catheters into his heart sack and lungs to remove the fluid. He has been on this battle from day one. This is the strongest kid I have ever known. He even wrote about this for a school assignment. I will post that in the comments of this blog for anyone who would love to read it.

This is what my kitchen table looks like every three weeks. Needles, sterile syringes, medications, gauze, IV pole, chloraprep, and many many more items needed to give my children a decent chance of a healthy life. This is not something that they will grow out of. Unless they find a cure they will live forever with this condition. Every three weeks for the rest of their lives this is what they will spend 3-5 hours doing. 

Logans battle started when he was just 7 months old. We knew what to expect with him. Unlike Ashton. This doesn't mean he hasn't had his share of hospital stays, surgeries, and numerous infusions and sicknesses. When he was 7 months old, after the surgery to have his port placed, he was in the hospital the next day for possible meningitis. 

Here is where I could piss a lot of people off....

When I hear people say they did not vaccinate their children because they do not think it is necessary I want to scream! "But Amber did you not just write about accepting mothers and encouraging them to do what is best for them and their children"? Yes I did. I encourage moms to do what is best for their family. This is not about THEIR families. This is about the world. This is about continuing the human race. This is about a society that works together. We protect the people that cannot protect themselves.

Think about this:

Community (Herd) Immunity: When a critical portion of a community is immunized against a contagious disease, most members of the community are protected against that disease because there is little opportunity for an outbreak. Even those who are not eligible for certain vaccines—such as infants, pregnant women, or immuno-compromised individuals—get some protection because the spread of contagious disease is contained. This is known as "community immunity." 
*This content is brought to you by: The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)*
When the "herd" stops vaccinating, people who cannot protect themselves are then at risk. Immunocompromised, young, elderly, and the pregnant cannot protect themselves against this. 

Some say "My kids can build an immunity by getting the disease and then fighting it off". Oh yes. Let me put them next to a person with Polio. You want them to fight it off themselves right? Oh wait...I don't know anyone with Polio since the VACCINE has wiped it almost into non existence. You are banking that everyone around you is vaccinated so how can your child possibly get this deadly disease? They can get it because other parents, like yourself, have chosen not to get vaccinated and bring these horrible diseases, that have cost thousands of deaths through the centuries. 

When people decide not to vaccinate their children this is what they are saying "my child is more important than any other children". Yes my children are my #1, but their is no way I would do something that would have such a huge impact on millions of peoples lives. Yes I used would and not could, simply because it does affect us. All the time. 

For example, a few months back there was an outbreak of measles. We were so close to pulling out kids from school if it hit our city. This shows because people chose not to vaccinate not only does it put mine and other peoples children's health at risk, it put their education at risk. They would have to miss school if there was a case of that. According to the CDC an estimated 20 millions people contract Measles a year. It kill about 146,000 people a year. That is 400 deaths every year which is about 17 per hour. Oh that's only about 7% you say? What if all 20 million were immunocompromised like the two handsome boys I mentioned about. I guarantee you that percentage was higher. 

Science doesn't lie. Reading the first article that pops up on google about how there is this much mercury in this and autism from that is ridiculous. Think about the big picture. Think about the world. If you child got Polio and was dying, the doctors said "Your child must get this shot to save his life, but the side effects could be ABC" would you do it, if you had a shot at saving your child's life?

Here in Arizona, it is mandatory for your dogs to be vaccinated but not your children. How does that make any sense. 

We live in such a rough world where you are going to need your neighbor, friends, family, and others to get through this. How are these people going to want to help you when you neglect their children's basic needs for sustaining a healthy life?

Why Am I Sticky